Do You Need Day and Night Care Services? Know the Signs

Caring for our seniors is a responsibility. It is an act that should be done with love and care rather than considering it as a burden. 

But what happens when your loving senior suffers from chronic ailments like dementia, malnutrition or stroke? Of course, you’ll be putting in your best efforts to care for him/her throughout the day and night but let’s admit, you’ve got your own limitations, other works to attend. And then you begin thinking who else can take care of your ailing senior 24 hours a day just like you did.  

It is here that the role of day and night care services comes to play. A well-qualified and trained overnight care provider can cater to all the needs of your elderly. 


Day and night care providers offer comprehensive services for the aged. From cooking nutritious meals, giving medicines on time, helping to maintain personal hygiene to providing specialized care, hiring a professional day and night carer can be extremely advantageous. 

But how do you know it’s the right time to look for 24 hours home care services? Read on!


Signs that Tell You Need Day & Night Care Services


1.     Severe forgetfulness: A little bit of forgetfulness is common in old age. But has your senior started to leave the stoves on, cannot remember if medicines were given or walks out of the home anytime? It is a sign that you need a qualified carer to tend to your senior day and night since you may be occupied with other works. Severe forgetfulness may be a risk to your senior’s overall well-being but an overnight carer will keep tabs and attend from time to time.


2.   Wandering anywhere & everywhere: If your senior is suffering from Dementia or Alzheimer’s, sooner or later, you will find him/her wandering off at odd hours. And that is when you require expert respite care services in Croydon. Wandering out of the house without any purpose or anyone’s help can spell danger for your elderly. 

    And certainly, you wouldn’t want your senior to suffer just because you were engaged with some important work. A 24 hours respite care provider will address the problem considerately and compassionately while rendering psychological support to the ailing senior.



3.    Ignoring to take medicines: Old age is synonymous to infancy, requiring constant love, care and attention. Needless to say, our loving seniors display child-like behaviour at times and a manifestation of this is when he/she refuses to take medicines. 

     If the medicine is triggering certain side effects, the consequences must be immediately reported to the doctor. Apart from this, if refusing to take medicines is a regular episode in your home, it is time to hire a day and night caregiver. 

     Medicines for certain illnesses like seizure, pressure and diabetes, among others must be taken regularly without which it could have severe implications. A 24 hours care provider will ensure that the medicines are administered properly at the right time, according to the schedule.

Conclusion: Apart from these, if your loving senior has a chronic medical condition that requires round the clock care or if he/she is having depressive thoughts and loneliness, these are some surefire signs that tell you require 24 hours home care services in Croydon

The overnight caregivers are highly-qualified and trained for this profession and can keep your loved senior in well-rounded care while ensuring complete safety. 


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