What Makes Sedentary Lifestyle Harmful for Our Seniors

With ageing, older adults get restricted to their home and adopt a sedentary lifestyle. While it may seem normal, this habit is not healthy and can prove to be detrimental in the long run. At supported living centres, care professionals organise workshops and activities for seniors to keep them engaged and active. In case, you want to continue caring for your senior at home, you have to make sure he or she is keeping active and not getting used to this sedentary lifestyle. Yes, for that you may have to put in an extra effort like hiring a home care expert so that the professional can cater to your senior’s needs even when you are not around. Wondering why we stress on an active life for seniors? In this blog, we break down the reasons for your understanding. Chances of long-term disabilities – Lack of movement now can lead to an irrecoverable disability in future. Without daily exercising, seniors are susceptible to experience joint ache, bone stiffness, and mus...