Types of Vaccines Your Elderly Needs Apart from Covid Vaccines

Do you think Covid vaccines are the only shots your elderly needs to stay healthy during old age? While there is no denying that they need Covid vaccines to stay protected against the deadly infection, you must also know other necessary vaccines that offer protection against serious diseases, arising due to weakened immunity and old age. So, if your elderly has crossed 60, you should get updates on the important vaccines he must be receiving. Keeping busy and not sure if you can take your elderly for the vaccine? Don’t worry! All you have to do is just keep your 
home care provider informed and he will ensure your parent receives vaccines on schedule. In case you have forgotten the necessary vaccines, we give you a detailed recap in this blog.


Influenza vaccines – If not checked at the right time, flu can prove to be fatal for older adults. To reduce the risk factor, it is widely recommended that older people take an influenza vaccine annually. In fact, according to several studies and researches, taking a flu shot can reduce the chances of contracting this illness by 40-60 per cent. So, yes, your elderly may get influenza even after being vaccinated but its severity will not be very high leading to ICU admissions in hospitals. In case, your parent develops side effects due to the vaccine, talk to the doctor urgently.


Shingle’s vaccines – People over 60 years of age have a higher risk of suffering from shingles. So, what is this disease, you wonder? It occurs when the virus of chickenpox gets reactivated in later life. The blisters may clear up in a few weeks, but the accompanying nerve pain can trouble older adults. Thus, elders should be administered this vaccine to reduce the chances of catching this disease by over 50%. To know more about its doses and this disease, you can consult with the family physician and then decide if your parent needs it at all or not.


Tdap vaccines – Since keeping your elderly safe and protected is your responsibility, you should have a clear conversation with your parent. Ask him if he had taken diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccines previously. If he answers no or has forgotten, you should better take him to the doctor for getting a Tdap vaccine. Alternatively, the elderly care help at your home can also escort your elderly to the doctor’s clinic. All in all, make sure your parent does not miss this shot due to any kind of negligence or casualness. After all, it is you who should care for your elderly’s protection and wellbeing.


Pneumococcal vaccines – A pathogen named Streptococcus pneumonia may trigger complications like blood infections, pneumonia, and meningitis in older people. Although getting the vaccination may not have a tremendous impact on pneumonia mortality, it can at least reduce the chances of getting pneumonia by 40% in aged adults. Currently, PPSV23 and PCV13 are administered but to know the doses of each shot you should better talk to your consultant physician.


Conclusion – So, there are the vaccines your elderly should take for staying healthy and protected against fatal diseases that are brought on by old age. And in case, you think you need to hire a domiciliary care expert for your parent, we have got your back. Contact Priory Care Services and avail of world-class care services!


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