Crucial Times When You Need Help from Domiciliary Care Agencies

As your parents and grandparents become older, their health slowly deteriorates both physically and mentally. As you see them losing their ability to move around freely or forget easy things, it is time to seek the services of a domiciliary care in Kingston Upon Thames. While your elderly may not feel comfortable with having a caregiver, you must remember that caregivers can help in keeping an eye on your parents all the time and give you peace of mind. In this blog, we look at some critical situations where having a caregiver is a must. 

Limited mobility 

Is your parent or grandparent suffering from arthritis, acute knee pain, or partial paralysis? Such conditions may cause mobility problems for your senior at home and domiciliary care is needed for basic assistance in walking and moving. They can even help with cooking meals, doing the dishes, and running small errands. They also come with special training to aid seniors with personal hygiene tasks like bathing, going to the toilet, shaving, grooming, etc. 

domiciliary care agencies in Croydon

Dementia & forgetfulness 

Has your grandma been forgetting things very often recently? While poor memory is a side-effect of old age, serious bouts of forgetfulness can sometimes cause severe consequences. Imagine, leaving your gas stove on for many hours! A serious accident can take place. Hire a caregiver at home and they can prevent any mishaps from happening. Forgetfulness could also be a symptom of the early onset of dementia. And trained caregivers are needed to ensure such seniors are treated with care and empathy. 

Falls & accidents 

Accidental falls are among the leading causes of senior deaths in the UK. Older adults are more likely to suddenly trip, fall, or slip on the floor due to their frail bodies and weak bones. To prevent such situations from happening, call up domiciliary care agencies and hire a home caregiver. They will keep an eye out on your elderly and prevent any accidents from happening. They can also assist the senior in walking, climbing the stairs, or going to the bathroom and help avoid any instances of sudden falls. 

Released from the hospital 

If the elderly at your home has recently been released from the hospital, that means they will need a special care regimen. There are many domiciliary care agencies in Croydon providing trained and experienced caregivers who can help you take care of your senior at home without any hassle. From managing their medication to cooking healthy meals for them, they look after each aspect of their recovery process. Caregivers also provide companionship to lonely seniors, giving them the mental strength to get better soon. 


We have discussed above some crucial situations where domiciliary caregivers can be of extreme help. If you have an elderly at home, any of these instances could happen to you too, and you should aim to be prepared for such a thing. We suggest hiring the services of a domiciliary care in Kingston Upon Thames. Caregivers can help you in taking care of your elderly at home during all difficult phases. If you want to find someone trustworthy and reliable, get in touch with Priory Care Services.


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